bucharest things, well, through my eyes; part two and a half, saturday

hard rock cafe

"The idea of communism itself was stolen from the New Testament, from the first chapters of Acts, where it's recorded that the first christians sold their lands and possessions and shared out the money to everyone according to each person's need. But the communists igonored the fact that what brought about this perfect organisation in the first christian comnity in jerusalem had been transofrmed of their hearts through God."
Quote taken from The Repenters, by Peter Dugulescu
to read more please click here

- a pomegranate martini or cosmopolitan for 26 lei
- 'who can afford this?!'

- the first and last stop of bucharest outings

- same seat at the bar
- Ionuţ, the cynical - realist - breath of fresh air bar tender
- cruise ships, miami and 'why havent you been to alaska and
  dont say money, if you want to go, you'll go' 

- sheryl crow and stings new single
- brittany spears pink hat
- and steve miller bands, jet airliner - so good and so necessary

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