farm visit, part one - farm house

a few weekends ago we silded along our friends and accompanied them to their family's farm
just east on the 210 and a chick-fil-a later
we arrived at riley's farm
a working apple orchard & living history farm
so so awesome

our first stop was the farm house to pay a visit to jenny's grandmother,
who's lived on the property for over 20 years

danny & i snuck some photos of blocks and glassware
& eventually found our way to the classic front porch

rose hips & what a view

what a delight

1 comment:

Angela said...

wait! you know the rileys! we used to go to riley's farm all the time growing up for apple picking and pumpkins and stuff!

thats awesome! i was just thinking the other day how fun it would be to go apple picking...we missed out on blackberry season here (too busy), but oh, apples would be so yummy now!